
PROJEKT: »Proizvodna linija športnih plezalnih oprimkov«



C3K2: Dvig produktivnosti, prijazno poslovno okolje za investitorje. Podpora investicijam za večjo produktivnost, konkurenčnost, odpornost in dekarbonizacijo gospodarstva ter za ohranjanje in nastajanje delovnih mest.

Investicija predstavlja nakup: Stroja za vlivanje PU oprimkov (Francija) in izgradnjo skladišča nevarnih snovi.
Investicija za podjetje pomeni povečanje produktivnosti (robotizacija, digitalizacija, izboljšani delovni pogoji), 
večjo dodano vrednost in konkurenčnost podjetja predvsem na tujem trgu.





• Delno lastna sredstva
• Naložbo sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kohezijo in regionalni razvoj, Načrt za okrevanje in odpornost in Financira Evropska unija – NextGenerationEU

• Dvig dodane vrednosti na zaposlenega
• Zmanjšanje porabe energije na enoto proizvoda
• Zmanjšanje porabe surovin na enote proizvoda.





Intense 4 days of route setting course with 360 setters Katja and Simon. Find more information below and sign up by filling out the questionnaire. You can send it to us until Wednesday, January 25th.



23. - 26. February 2023



In 360 HQ boulder gym in Slovenia



Katja Vidmar, first international female route setter and 360holds shaper and Simon Margon, who has more than 15 years of experience, setting international competitions. He is also the brain behind most of 360holds ideas.



This route setting course is for you if you are a route setter of any level who wants to upgrade his route setting skills. It is definitely for you if you are curious and open minded and you think there is still so much to learn. It is also for you if you want to jump out of the box and try something new. And you should really sign up for it if you are a bit of a geek when it comes to route setting and climbing holds.




- 4 full days of route setting course

- accommodation (which is walking distance from the gym)

- food (also vegetarian option) 

- coffee (in unlimited amount)

- other drinks (in limited amount)

- 360 goodie bag (yes, there will be some stickers)

- broken bits (hopefully in limited amount)


- any insurance during the course and/or your stay

- transport to Slovenia (we can help you out with local transport if needed)



- good energy and some curiosity

- your setting tools (drill, etc... if you have a Makita, you don't need to bring your charger)

- your safety equipment

- your climbing equipment



- Get into specifics of setting for the following groups: competition, commercial and setting for kids. There will be a small group of testers for each particular group to get a good feedback.

- Experiment with different styles of setting while learning tricks and techniques that work best in certain situations.

- Try to adapt setting to different formats as on-sight, with time limit or afterwork.

- Try to challenge you in many ways, with the goal that you will learn to adapt and react in different situations that come along in route setting. 

- Try to surprise you and push you out of your comfort zone into unknown, to find skills that you didn't know you had.

- Share with you our good and bad route setting stories.

- Introduce you to all our in house climbing holds brands.

- Also: strip the walls, clean the holds, work late, wake up early, share ideas and have tons of fun along the way.


                                    APPLY WITH THIS QUESTIONNAIRE





DUAL ASCENT a mind-blowing, premiere multi-pitch climbing event!

360 team of route setters have set the routes for this first-ever head-to-head multi-pitch competition!
See all the action unfolding in the movie below:

A proper test of the climbing repertoire!

The Red Bull Dual Ascent competition took place in the Verzasca valley in Switzerland on a 200 m high dam. In total, we’ve built three multi-pitch routes, two identical competition routes, and a shorter warm-up route.

The warm-up route was only three pitches long and was only graded up to 7b. It was put up in order for the competitors to get a feel of climbing on the dam and practice their strategy for the real thing.
The two competition routes featured 6 pitches each, measuring 180 m in height. But even though the competition was a time trial event, it doesn’t mean the pitches were easy! Since we were lucky enough to host some of the best climbers in the world, we decided to make the pitches hard! The grades ranged from 7a to 8a between the pitches which meant that racing up the dam was more than exhausting. We tried to make it as attractive as possible, so the pitches featured everything from crimps, cracks, skate moves, dynos, mantles, and so on...

A competition with a Hollywood plot twist in the finale!

On the first two days, all 8 teams raced up the dam and set their time. After the times were set, we took the 4 best teams to the finals. Teams ranked 3rd and 4th were going to battle for the bronze medal and teams ranked 1st and 2nd were going to fight for the victory.

On the day of the finals, it was the first time for the teams Klingler-Ladevant and Ghisolfi-Bombardi to compete for the bronze medal. After an incredibly quick 54 minutes and 5 seconds, the Italians (Stefano Ghisolfi and Marcello Bombardi) took home the bronze medal. Their mind-blowing performance made us even more excited to watch the big finals as we were expecting an even faster time!

A dream final round!

As the horn blew for the start of the finals and the two world-class teams (Kruder-Škofic and Ginés López-Potočar) started racing like madmen, we knew we were in for a treat. The guys defied everything we expected and crushed all the moves like they were nothing really demanding. In the middle of the route, we started noticing that climbing started to take its toll. You know it gets real when the likes of Potočar, who’s an absolute endurance beast, start screaming and fighting. At the start of the final pitch, which we made even harder for the finals (8a+/b), it seemed clear that the lead of the Slovenian team (Kruder-Škofic) was too big for the other team to catch up to.

But then the unexpected happened (*insert dramatic music*): Kruder fell! The 150+ meters of absolutely running up the route finally caught up to him and the small crimps were just too small. While Kruder was hanging on the rope, Potočar raced up the pitch with the Spaniard Ginés López following him with the speed of light and bringing home the victory. 


This amazing competition scenario was set with 360Holds and other 360 production brands:

Pitch no. 3 - The 360Holds pitch (part 1)
It was your classic 360Holds story, nothing was off-limits type in this climbing pitch!
It featured a long leap of faith dyno to a Juggy Ball and a blind dyno from a press to a Lense, which also turned out to be the number one fun move according to the setters. The pitch weighed in at around 7c.

Pitch no. 6 - The 360Holds pitch (part 2) The final pitch!
Set using the 360Holds Juggy Balls. It was the most important pitch as we knew it was going to be the place where the medals are won. It featured some crazy physical moves and some hardcore crimping. The final hold of the pitch and the route was also a brand new MEGA Juggy Ball that we produced especially for the project. We tuned up the final pitch from a 7c+ to an 8b before the finals.

Big thanks to Red Bull and everybody else involved for being a part of the Dual Ascent story!